The SocialBrand IQ™ Social Media Literacy & Wellness Curriculum is an innovative approach to teaching students in grades 5-12 about social media literacy, digital citizenship, digital etiquette, and internet safety. This course uses a variety of engaging, authentic activities and resources to teach students about social media and how it can grow or harm their personal brand. Each of its 30 lessons is designed to be implemented in as little as a single class period, but extendable to a second period of deep learning.
The Social Media Literacy & Wellness Curriculum is aligned to the ISTE, Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), and Model School Library Standards for learning. The curriculum integrates cross-curricular skills and learning in a way that facilitates deep lifelong learning that students will relate to. Helpful articles, videos, slideshow presentations, and supporting resources coupled with an easy-to-follow series of lesson plans allow teachers to implement this curriculum with ease and zero prep.